Monday, September 15, 2008

Three weeks and Counting :)

Hi everyone! I'm sure some of you are slightly confused about what this is so let me explain! In roughly three weeks I will be embarking on an adventure in volunteer work with Americorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) in the Pacific Region based out of Sacramento, California. I will spend five weeks in Sacramento at McClellan Park, 13 miles from the California State Capitol. These first five weeks will be spent training and doing team building work with groups of other volunteers.

After the first five weeks we, myself and roughly 400 other volunteers, will be split up into smaller teams of 12-15 people. I will travel with this team to different areas in the West Coast and Gulf Coast regions (including states like Alaska, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Louisiana etc.). We will be deployed to tackle volunteer projects ranging from rebuilding to tutoring to invasive species removal and brush clearing (fire prevention). Each project will last about two months, after which we will return back to base in Sacramento and then be sent to another location to do a project of a different variety for another two months. After completing my year in Americorps I will have completed anywhere from 3-5 projects with my team as well as 80 individual service hours and receive an education award of just over $4,000 dollars.

Instead of sending out mass e-mails and writing letters until my hand falls off I've decided to keep this blog (short for weblog, an online journal of sorts) in order to communicate with all of you fabulous folks :). I also chose to keep a blog like this because when I was doing research into NCCC and trying to get an idea of what life was like for the average corps member I read lots of blogs of past volunteers and it was incredibly helpful so, hopefully, mine will provide that help to some other prospective NCCC volunteer :)

Obviously I'm not in Sacramento yet but if you want to send me a letter so I have something when I arrive you can mail things to:

Walker Dunn, Class 15
AmeriCorps NCCC
3427 Laurel Street
McClellan, CA 95625



HEDunn said...

Yes, you can be sure that I will be checking in on you!

Love, Mom

James "Pandaman" Bickford said...

wow I have a blog on this site too... but nobody reads mine.

James "Pandaman" Bickford said...


good luck with everything... sorry I forgot to mention that in my last comment...

Scott said...

Walker! I made a blogspot too, and made my first post on the same freakin day as you!

At the moment, I feel like keeping it to just friends and family (no corps members), but I definitely think you're an exception. I'll send you a facebook message with the URL.

Oh, we picked the same color scheme too. Mine's cooler though because I screwed with the title :P

Robert McCardell said...

Walker Dunn! Te amo chika.
I hope your post-high school experience is as good as mine has been.
I'm sure you'll have a great time, do good for the west coast, and be everyone's best friend if they have any sense at all.
You're the best Walker! : )

tdunn said...

Glad you made it out safely, Walker Jill...Dad